ssu elections guide
No matter the phase we’re in, we’ve got your back.
Welcome to your elections guide
Thank you for your interest in getting involved with the Sheridan Student Union Elections. This is your opportunity to help shape every Sheridan student’s college experience throughout this academic year. Whether you decide to run in the election (or make your mark by voting), this guide will help you prepare for each phase of the election.
To get started, here are A few things you should know:
There are three distinct phases of the Elections Process: 1) Nominations 2) Campaign Week and 3) Voting. Curious about how you can get involved? Get the details below.
The Board of Directors use the SSU’s Pillars of Success to help inform their work: The pillars of success include supporting student well-being, diverse student experiences, and access and accountability to quality education.
Sheridan students who are 18 years or older, with a GPA of 2.5 or higher, are eligible to join the Board of Directors: If you are interested, now is the time to prep for nominations!
To nominate yourself in our next election, you must be a returning Sheridan student studying in the next academic year. Please ensure before you submit a nomination package, that you are eligible to join and meet all requirements for the position.

VOTING phase
Visit the SimplyVoting website: Sheridan students eligible to vote will will receive the voting link through their Sheridan College email address.
Insert your Sheridan login credentials to sign in: Only eligible student voters will be able to access your ballot online.
Select 4 candidates to represent your campus: Each Sheridan student has the power to decide which four students will join the SSU Board.
Submit your ballot: Double-check you have selected the candidates you want to represent your campus on the Board and cast your ballot. Visit the contact us page for support
Vote On Campus
The voting booths will be open from Monday to Friday, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM at each campus. Stop by and cast your vote on campus!
Davis Campus Voting Booths
Stop by the Student Centre all week long to cast your vote!
HMC Campus Voting Booths
Stop by the Student Centre all week long to cast your vote!
Stop by the Trafalgar campus on the following locations to vote: ⬇️
Monday, March 24: Stop by the B-wing hallway to cast your vote!
Tuesday, March 25 - Friday, March 28: Stop by the booth will move to the C-wing pit.
✔ Cast your ballot + VOTE for your new board
Polls will open March 24 at 9 am. All students will be notified when the voting period begins.
Cast your ballot
✔ LEARN MORE ABOUT advocacy at sheridan
Get to know the impact the SSU has on your Sheridan Life. Learn about SSU’s Advocacy
✔ Get involved with the ssu events, clubs, etc!
You voted, congrats! While you wait for official results, get connected with the latest SSU news!
Get the Details