Manish Khurana



Manish Khurana

TRC Candidate

headshot of Manish Khurana on white background

Program: Computer Science

“My name is Manish Khurana, I am originally from a small city called Karnal in India, I came to Canada 6 Years ago, this is my second time studying at a school in Canada. I am a computer science student, currently in my third Year. I do enjoy programming and even though AI is taking over and trying to make us lazy I still like to do things on my own.

I am a domestic student now, I have witnessed both the lives international and domestic and being at Sheridan I see no difference except the fees and the health insurance. I am also a student ambassador who works in the school, I started working as an ambassador in January 2023, I have amazing memories of being an ambassador, I met amazing people and had great fun being an ambassador.

I try to involve with Sheridan as much as possible be it during clubs, during different fairs, during events, you would have seen me at each one of those places. I also run a club known as Bollywood and Beyond Screening Club, where we watch movies and trying to have different events, other than that I try to engage in as many as possible things around the campus.”

What are some of the student issues that you would like to bring to the Board table?

✔ Cultural Representation and Inclusion
✔ Financial Support: Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards
✔ Student Housing Resources

Write about one of the current student issues you selected above. share why advocating for this issue is important to you:

“Canada is one of the most diverse countries in the world, and this diversity should be reflected and celebrated in every aspect of our school community. As a student, have seen how cultural representation and inclusion can transform an environment, making it a place where everyone feels they belong. However, I have also noticed moments when students from different cultural backgrounds feel isolated or underrepresented. This is why advocating for cultural representation and inclusion is so important to me.

When students step onto campus, they should feel a sense of belonging rather than feeling like outsiders. A truly inclusive environment ensures that everyone, regardless of their background, feels seen, heard, and valued. It is not about acknowledging diversity—it is about actively creating spaces where students from all of life feel comfortable sharing their cultures, experiences, and traditions. Representation matters because it fosters understanding, breaks stereotypes, and our Sheridan community as a whole. According to the Statistics Canada 2021 Census, more than 450 cultural origins were reported in Canada. While we may not be able to represent each one individually, it is essential that no culture is overlooked or ignored.

As someone who has been involved and has seen on campus events, I witnessed how representation positively impact students. Whether it is through multicultural events, cultural clubs, or simply having diverse voices in leadership positions, these efforts help ensure that every student sees themselves reflected in their school. By advocating for more inclusive policies, celebrating different cultures, and promoting open dialogue we can have an environment where everyone truly feels at home.

If given the opportunity to serve on the board of directors, I will work towards amplifying the voices of underrepresented students, ensuring that cultural is celebrated, and fostering an atmosphere where everyone feels welcome. Our differences should not separate us, they should bring us, enriching our campus with the strength of many perspectives. Through meaningful representation, we can build a stronger, more united community.”


Simon Peter Kyadondo


Hoang Man Nguyen